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Is there such a thing as bad article websites or sites, which an author should not waste their time posting too? Some say that an author has nothing to lose by posting to free articles sites, which display their works yet I have some consideration you may not have thought of. But they are free to post to you say, while many other sites charge, how can that be bad you ask?

Good points you bring up. You see I have posted over 1600 articles on one site and have about 1200 hours in this project. I of course thinking of this advance did my research on the site and its owner. You see, before I was retired I once calculated how much I made in an hour. Without getting into those numbers, mind you the 1200 hrs. times "X" would be a heck of a lot of money. If the sight goes off line, cannot pay its people or has high turn over leading to issues down the road, I personally have a lot to lose. So, if someone with 50 articles who only made let's say $150 per hour had 37.5 hours into their project that equals $5625.00; If 100 people lose $5,625.00 that is a lot of money. Now back to the time thing, everyone loses a lot of time too. The seconds on the clock determine who wins the next stage in the race you see. I am merely pointing out something that no one else is looking at here.

I realize we relate to things differently and indeed many do, however You can buy a decent used car or jet ski, ATV, etc. for $5,625.00 or create your own quite inferior website, but you control it and it will not go down, providing you keep putting in the gas and keep driving. You see my point? There is a cost, it is real, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not.

Also on some article free be sites authors have watched their articles not get posted for long periods in-between on weekends, means that no one is working extra hours? Why? Cannot afford it? People quit? Someone is not minding the store? Someone is not able to handle stress? Someone is cannot make payroll? I know you are saying "SHUT UP LANCE, it is FREE, can't you get that thru that arrogant skull of yours?" Surely, I hear you and the other critics who would debate me on these points, yet also, I see real costs or perceived real costs, which I share with you above. And so I wonder why? If something is not going Kosher, also realize I have insanely good intuition for some reason. So, something is not firing on all cylinders you see, perhaps you see it, perhaps not. But this is one reason you should as an author stay away from junk article sites and probably go with Ezine Articles, unless you are being paid to submit articles somewhere as an author. Think on this.

Currently Lance is retired at age 40 and is running an Online Think Tank Forum while traveling North America. Perhaps considering something extremely challenging to do that will exercise his mind and utilize all his experiences, observations and skills. Any ideas? http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs




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