Some of the top online articles writers on the top online article submission website have been discussing that they are writing articles in their sleep. Actually as funny as this sounds, I do write articles in my sleep. Well not the whole article but I dream as if I am typing it or putting it into a word processor.
Could this give one author the edge over another high-volume online article writer? Sure it can, but the trick is to keep a clipboard by your bed to write down the titles of the subjects. What you need to do is when lucid dreaming, when you wake write down the title or subject on your clipboard. Otherwise you might have four or five per night and if you do not write them down then you will temporarily forget them until something reminds you during the day, but that could take even a week. You need to write down the ideas so you can use them in the conscious mind you see.
I wonder if this happens to other people, but I have had full dreams of writing complete articles, editing, typing, re-sizing titles, changing fonts, etc. Maybe this does not happen to everyone, but I guess I write a lot of articles or something like this. Pretty funny stuff really, science is still learning about the brain, I have written some articles on this and for more information check out the Stanford Sleep Research Center. Consider all this in 2006.