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#1 Article Writing Tool On The Internet


Writing and submitting articles is by far the best business building resource and most powerful form of free advertising on the Internet! You share your knowledge, experience and expertise and in return you receive publicity....free!

With the Internet, people have developed an insatiable appetite for information and they want it now! Writing informative articles relevant to your business to post in ezines and on web sites is a very effective way to get the word out and to market your business...free!

Post your article on your web site, publish it in your ezine, submit your article to other ezines, offer as "free content" to other web sites and compile a series of articles into an "e-book bonus"....free!

Cement yourself as an "expert" in your field. Writing articles is the most important skill you can learn for online marketing. In addition to establishing you as an "expert" in your field, writing articles gives you author status which offers other opportunities within itself....free!

Beginning to get the picture?

Many web sites and web masters are looking for articles to post in the article section of their sites as well as to post in their ezines. Place your articles on article submission sites such as:


Two great Yahoo Groups article sites are:


You have to join - "subscribe" to each "Yahoo Groups" before you can post articles.

Writing articles is not as difficult as it sounds. You don't even have to be a professional writer, just write your article as if you were talking to a person sitting there beside you, one-on-one. Be sure to research your information and then share what you know.

The simplest way to begin is to write articles on what you already know about or have an interest in. This could be your career, your business, your hobby or just something you enjoy spending your time doing.

If you are writing articles to promote your business, career, hobby, or an interest you already have thorough knowledge of your topic and have identified your "target" market.

You have the experience, knowledge and contacts, plus, you already know how to access this market! This gives you a tremendous advantage!

You already know the ups and downs, the likes and dislikes, the ins and outs and the wants and needs, because you share some of those same views.

Draw on your expertise. Everyone has skills. Often you take them for granted because they are so familiar you don't even consider them as skills.

You have special skills you have learned over a period of time in your particular field. These skills can be from training you have received or from your hands-on experiences. The more specialized the area (skill) the more valuable the information!

What about your "hands-on experiences"? Your personal knowledge. This is the area you can excel in! What you have done. How you accomplished it. What were your result. How long it took you. What special techniques you developed.

Write articles on problems you have solved. People love solutions! Let your readers know you can solve their problem and you can solve them fast!

Write about the tips or tricks you have found to use for solutions. This can be an all inclusive article listing all the tips or you might consider writing a series of articles focusing on each tip or trick. You might even develop your series into an e-mail "bonus".

In your article take your reader right down to the "nuts and bolts" of your particular subject. Again, the more "targeted" the subject the more valuable the information! This is your "niche" viewer.

All of these experiences add credibility, build relationships, and establish you as an authority in your field.

Once you start writing and submitting articles, remember to place your articles on your web site for continued viewing. Also place your articles on autoresponders and use an autoresponder to automatically send your article when a request comes in. This is a 24-7 way for marketing your articles.

So, there you have it! Always keep your eyes open for new ways and opportunities to generate publicity! Be ready with your articles when these opportunities present themselves. Write...Write...Write..., after all, you are Harnessing The Most Powerful Form Of Advertising On The Internet and, it's free!

Livvie Matthews, Freelance Writer Services, Brochures, Web Site Content, Newsletters Americanized Content and more. Visit http://www.WriteBusiness.net or [email protected]

By: Livvie Matthews




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