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Writing articles is one of the fastest ways to build traffic to your website. Not only that they are great marketing tools and instant recognition vehicles on the Net.

One of the most overlooked parts of the article is the resource box - and it is almost as important as the article itself.

What is a Resource Box? It's an information box at the end of your article. When your article is read, the reader will see your name and website link - It's FREE advertising. Not only that but when your article is published on other websites, your resource box that contains your website URL will increase your link popularity in the search engines. This is called back-end linking.

The resource box is small (about 4-6 lines) so creating one can be tricky. Here are the key elements your Resource Box should contain:

1. Your Name: The first line of your resource box should be a short sentence that gives your name and tells what you do on the Internet. One of the perks of writing articles is that they are a powerful tool that will brand your name and establish your reputation as an expert.

2. Your Website URL: Listing your website URL will bring visitors to your website - and even better, whenever your article is published on another website with a live link, your link- popularity with the major Search Engines will be boosted.

3. Your Newsletter Subscription Address: Getting an interested visitor to visit your website is great, but capturing their email address can assist in beginning the confidence/trust process. Remember you must show the average person your message seven times before they will buy your product. Now you have the opportunity.

When listing your newsletter, do not use an email address. Include the URL for your newsletter subscription address.

4. You have a couple of options here:

List Something Free - A viral eBook or report, an eCourse. By offering a free item you'll greatly increase the chances of a reader clicking through to your website. You also have the opportunity for sales thru your free offering.

Sales Pitch/Call To Action - 1 to 3 sentences describing what makes you and your product offering unique - followed by a call to action. Make sure your product is relevant to the article.

Tips and Techniques

If your pitching an affiliate product in step 4, do not use your affiliate link. You can use a redirect page, or better yet write a review or presell page on your site and send readers there.

Doing this will put them on your site, provide an extra opportunity to show your "expertise" and allow you to get them excited about the product before going to the product site.

The resource box is not a place for hype.

If your promoting a product use benefits not features.

Keep it professional. Use spell check and verify your URL's are correct. There is nothing less professional than misspelled words, and if your URL is wrong you have just lost a possible sale.

Do not list every website you own in you resource box. Use only one that is related to the topic of your article.

Do not list all of your accomplishments. Listing that your a Doctor, Lawyer and Indian Chief sounds like hype and no one really cares. Keep it brief and use accomplishments that are related to the article.

Writing a resource box is almost an art form. You have a lot to say in very little space. So put some thought into it and keep in mind that after writing a great article, the resource box is the reward for your gift. Use it well.

To Your Success!


Diane Thomas is the owner of eBook Crossroads and has been providing resources for writers and publishers for 5 years. She publishes a monthly newsletter "The Insider" http://www.ebookcrossroads.com/newsletter.html/ and offers a free eCourse "Working With Private Label Rights Products". Learn what you can do with Private Label Rights by signing up today: http://www.ebookcrossroads.com/.




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