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If you are thinking of earning much money through writing articles, then selling them is a very good idea. There are many places where you can sell your articles. In fact, many people want your articles published.

Publishing your article means money. There are many institutions that publish articles of different topics and different people. Here are the places where you can let your articles be published and earn money from it.

??? ?Newspapers and Magazines ? most newspaper and magazine companies invite freelance writers to write an article for them. You can submit to them and ask for a corresponding payment. In some cases, the newspaper companies are the ones who price an article. The lowest price they may give per article is $20.00. You may check out for newspaper companies that hire freelance writers. Contact them and tell them of your intention to submit.

??? ?The Internet ? there are online publishers where you can sell your articles. All you need to do is to find one good online publisher that pays according to your preference. There are many websites where you can post your articles and then receive a payback for it.

??? ?Your Blogs ? blogs is the easiest way to earn money with your article. The more views to your article the more money you will receive. Aside from that, you may also get a little extra income from the advertisers that use the space on your blog.

In case you opted to submit and post your articles through the websites that host articles, you will need the following in order to sell the article. Remember that selling the article is no different from selling other products. The following are the things you must not forget to put in your resource box in submitting your article:

??? ?Your name ? it is the most important content of your resource box. Without it you may not be paid by your publisher. Bear in mind that the payment of the articles is sometimes based on how many times a client views your articles.

??? ?Your Website or E-mail address ? this is how you may be contacted by your publisher or client. If in case you do not have any Website, you can make one by going into domain hosting websites.

??? ?Your elevator pitch ? this is your proposition to make your article sell.

??? ?Call to action ? this is a way to make your client visit your website and then buy an article.

Marketing an article is so easy. All you need is patience in finding one good portal where you can post and actually market your article.

Khieng 'Ken' Chho is author and owner of Article Marketing Resources. For related articles and other resources, visit Ken's website: http://articlemarketing.1w3b.net

By: Khieng Chho




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