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How to Write a What if Article for the Internet

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Writing an article that will be enjoyed by a wide variety of Internet Surfers is not an easy assignment. In fact many companies pay professional content and copywriters to write for them to insure that the quality and message stay on point. One type of article almost anyone can write is a; ?What if...? article. This is an article, which asks questions to get the reader thinking. An article which is not geared towards telling or informational selling, but rather getting the reader to think about a topic; that is to say what if this happens or what if that happened?

There are many benefits to writing ?What if? articles as it asks a question to provoke a response or call to action. Perhaps a call to purchase a product or understand the need for a service, which might help a company attract new clientele. For instance let's say you own a pool service you might choose a title such as ?What if Algae is Growing in Your Pool?? Indeed what if it is? Well such an article will provoke the reader to read the article and in the article you might point out the need for a Ph Balanced pool. You can ask the question and then inform the reader by way of asking more questions, perhaps some they would like to know the answer to? You may choose to ask a few questions in the beginning and then describe Algae and its potential health risks in one paragraph in the middle and finish the article with four or five one sentences at the end such as.

What if you have children in your pool and they inadvertently relieve themselves in the pool? What if you or your family or your guests get red eyes because you put too much chlorine in your pool? What if your pool is out of balance that one or two times during the year when you have guests? What if due to poor pool maintenance you have stains ruining your pool tile? What if you wrote ten articles on every aspect of pool maintenance to use on your website? What if you posted these types of articles for your business no matter what type it is on the Internet? What if you used this technique to drive traffic to your website to attract new clientele? What if you wrote ten ?What if? articles on every aspect of your business? How much new business do you think you might get? Think on it.

Currently Lance is retired at age 40 and is running an Online Think Tank Forum while traveling North America. Perhaps considering something extremely challenging to do that will exercise his mind and utilize all his experiences, observations and skills. Any ideas? http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs




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