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Keyword articles are one of the most effective ways of promoting your website and attracting targeted traffic.

With the huge increase in the number of businesses marketing on the internet, gone are the days of just adding your site with a description of your product or service and sit back and watch the traffic roll in.

Daily we have to keep abreast of the new technology and methods to optimise our web sites to ensure that we receive enough traffic to help our business. This requires either an expert to do it for you or you have to keep up with an ever changing technology.

Today we are competing with literally thousands or millions of sites all offering related products. We are becoming dependant on the search engines like Google and Yahoo to advertise our websites but to achieve a share of the traffic it is important that we know how to strategically place keywords or phrases on our web pages.

One of the most effective tools to market your site is the use of keyword articles. These articles include targeted keywords for your site or product. Words or phrases that people type in a search engine are called keywords. It is important that the keywords you use are not only relevant and descriptive for your site but also they must have a high number of searches. A keyword that is only searched for a few times a month is not going to increase your traffic.

Another factor to watch is if your website has a lot of competition then strategic keyword placement is very important. When someone types a keyword into a search engine the search engine uses an algorithm to sort out the most relevant web pages from the database and then ranks them and then displays them. Strategic placement of keywords then becomes a factor in how high your website is ranked. The higher the ranking you have a better chance of your website being viewed.

So choosing the right keyword becomes very important. There is software today than can help you analyses keywords and which ones are the most effective and get the most searches. When trying to decide on keywords I try to put myself in the place of the person searching. If for example my site sells holiday accommodation in Italy and I am looking for a holiday in Italy I work out what I am looking for. Do I want a hotel or a pension or an apartment and do I want to go to Rome or perhaps the country around Florence. So I decide I want a farmhouse or apartment in the country near Florence. I would search for 1. Florence. 2. apartment.3. holiday

Using software designed to analyze keywords (like Overture or Word Tracker) this will tell you how many times it is searched for and the number of competing sites and also the ratio of click throughs to the number of searches. Avoid using very general keywords like holidays Italy. The results for ?holidays Italy? is 12.3 million while for ?Florence apartment holiday? is 1.1 million You need to target or narrow your keywords to products or services.

Once you have found the best keywords for your site you can further reinforce the effectiveness of your keywords by including keyword articles that describe a holiday or the benefits of a holiday apartment in Florence. Again using the keywords in the title of the article and in the first paragraph. The keyword can also be used in the text of the article but don't saturate the article. Include three to start but no more as this will be penalized by the search engines. The search engines have very sophisticated software and reject content that is over populated with keywords.

When you have finished your article add your author details and this can include a link to your website. Don't add multiple links throughout the article as most article directories do not allow this. You can make a brief selling pitch in the author details section and this is where you include the link back to your site.

Make these personal unique articles available for others to copy and use. When some one else publishes your article to their website you receive an inbound link back to your website and these are rated very highly by the search engines. Unique content is king.

Some tips and help in writing your first article can be found at the link below.

Beth Black is the webmaster for Keyword Articles that offers free keyword targeted articles. Keyword articles are one of the most effective ways of promoting your website and attracting targeted traffic. http://www.keyword-articles.info

By: Beth Black




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