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Now that you know the secrets to writing great articles, it's time to power up the article writing ladder of success. Web articles will definitely will help build your reputation as an expert, but it takes time and patience. Following are some ways to track your progress and get the most article bang for your buck.

Work on mass article distribution by genre. In your effort toward building an expert reputation, you should be saturating your niche market with articles. By doing this, you'll get more visibility than the article dabbler who writes one or two articles and then drops out of sight. Write a list of article topics you'd like to cover, and then outline the guts of each article one at a time. This way, you can better mentally prepare for the onslaught of articles you plan on releasing to your faithful internet audience of readers.

Hire a ghostwriter to ensure that your articles are targeted and flawless. It's worth paying a little extra for a quality presentation, and by working with a professional writer you'll be able to take the strain off yourself so that you can concentrate on other, more critical aspects of your business. Tell the writer what your long-term business goals are and how you think articles can leverage your expertise and pull in sales. She'll then go about strategizing your "Guerilla Article Marketing Campaign." Yes, it's incredibly important to strategize!

Submit to multiple article distribution sites. Although my article site of choice is Ezinearticles.com, there are millions of websites out there who are hot for fresh content and who can help you work your way into the minds of the world's consumers. Sign up for membership accounts with Goarticles.com, Ideamarketers.com, and Marketing-Seek.com. Do some research into which websites in your specialized field who might also be on the lookout for great articles. The more visibility you get, the more hits to your website. The more loyal fans of your writing, the more paying customers.

Use Google and Yahoo to gauge your steady climb. One of the biggest article marketing motivators is tracking your progress on the search engines. If you're doing it right, including keywords in your article titles and content, and offering valuable information to your readers, that means folks are picking up your stuff. A single article can potentially get picked up 100 times or more. Think of how many places your website link will be seen if you submit 100 articles! To see article-marketing in action, submit four or five articles to Ezinearticles.com and then wait a month or two. Then do a Google search on the topic of the articles you wrote, and do another search on your name. Guess what comes up? All the websites where your articles are featured. Holy hell! That is some cool stuff.

Work the article marketing circuit. Make your presence known within the article realms by actively participating in author networks. My article marketing website of choice is Ezinearticles.com because they capture this feeling of "Hey, we're one big article-writing family!" Their site is the home for tons of authors who are more than happy to swap information and share their valuable insights with you. Participate in the Blog, comment on other authors' articles; in short, get out there and get noticed! By building side relationships through your writing expertise, you're planting the seeds for future projects with other smart marketers on the web!

Okay then. Have you had just about enough Article Marketing for the day? I know I have! Stay tuned to Wordfeeder.com for more copywriting and marketing ideas to help grow your business.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

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