Many online article writers have little if any loyalty and it is unfortunate that they will not stick with one source to promote their online works or online articles. It behooves an online writer to author works which fit parameters of the online article submission sites in their specialty niche or support the categories of their articles and then foster a loyalty to that online article submission website.
Having more than one or two online article submission sites can be problematic as all too often those who may wish to pick up the articles may go to several websites themselves and thus you risk their being upset that they may end up duplicating your articles on their sites, because you triple or quadruple posted on so many online article submission websites. Find a good one and stick with it.
Loyalty to an online website does not mean that once you start with one or two that you do not ever switch. But if you replace one with a better one, stay with the new set and do not go back and forth or add a third, forth and fifth one where you post all duplicate articles.
In fact if you find a really good one and want their loyalty to you, then you should reciprocate the same notion, without two-timing them. No one likes a cheater and it really serves you no purpose to duplicate, when online article submission sites allow others to pick up your articles anyway. Consider this in 2006.