Imagine if you will that you are an online article writer and you go and post a few thousand articles online of your basic knowledge? Next thing you know there are people coming to read the stuff you write to the tune of over a million article views?
Ah, but this poses a problem right? Too many cross-links and referrals to your website; too much traffic? Whoops? Is there such a thing? Indeed there is, it happened to be me. Then of course I had another big problem and that was the online article submission site has a special author section to track the results and I had to ask them;
?Is there a way to put commas in the numbers for the number of article views? Because once you get very far over 1 million, for instance today I am at; 1577010 and with over 1.5 million article views that large number gets kind of blurry and harder to read. Also with over 32499 article captures from Ezines that number is getting harder and harder to read, I mean you look at it and watch the number go up each day, but you really have to do a double take. Is this for real??? I know it is, but if it had commas in it, it would be easier to read you see??
Don't we wish we all had such simple problems in life? Well, other than that one little item, I think that online article submission websites for writers and authors is just about the best idea in the World. But hey that is just one man's opinion right? Consider this in 2006.