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Online Article Submission Sites Should List Article Views

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Why is it that most all online article submission sites do not display the number of article views of each author? Well it is simple from a marketing standpoint, as most do not dare as someone might see how dismal their results really are. Of course if you are a category killer, then certainly you would be smart to do this.

The largest online article submission website on the Internet recently started to include this data and I think it is really cool to see and compare for the authors. And as far as article views, perhaps what is more important is how often one's articles are picked up around the internet and used for ezine newsletters.

For instance I only have 1.30 Million article views, but I have 21,000 ezine publisher captures so my true article views around the internet could be more like 10 million. And if other top authors who may have a niche which is so specific perhaps they may not have such a high number of article views, they would still be substantial for them and are probably super in that they peg the exact type of reader he intends to reach.

So if an author has over 100K article views and his articles are also all over the Internet, because they are great articles, then he could well be looking at a multiple of 10 or 1 million plus. Indeed this online article submission venue format that Ezinearticles has created and produced is exceptional in so many ways. Consider this in 2006.

Currently Lance is retired at age 40 and is running an Online Think Tank Forum while traveling North America. Perhaps considering something extremely challenging to do that will exercise his mind and utilize all his experiences, observations and skills. Any ideas? http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs




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