Should online article submission sites have options for readers, which are interactive; such as Rate This Article? Or would you like to comment on this article; click here? Some believe that interactivity does provide additional traffic and participation on the Internet and indeed studies do show this to be the case. Also on websites like we see comments and book reviews also help sell more books and people can even rate the comments for their worthiness? Now that takes interactivity to a whole new level indeed doesn't it?
But some commenting folks make negative and derogatory comments either because they are competitors or they disagree with the stance of an online author on these online article submission websites. So when this happens at least a few high volume online article authors are not so keen on the reader article comment options and say things like; Who needs it? Who does it serve? Interactive-ness on a website is good, but the detractors, naysayers, competitors who cannot achieve and the complainers of the world are holding back the human race. Personally I want no part of such Sub-humans.
For those who post nice comments, well I guess we are the ones hurt in this, but I find the negative comments not here but on other sites which pick up these articles are 35% or more really. Some are just stupid little comments. Like; ?you are a moron? etc. But indeed only a moron would post such a thing. Consider this in 2006.