It is amazing how a fancy title can be affixed to a nefarious practice. What I am talking about are those ?Private Label? sites that will sell you ?original content? articles for as little as 15 or 20 cents per article. Sure, you usually have to buy at least 100 articles, but that still only costs the buyer 15 or 20 bucks. Period. End of story.
From there, most private label sites encourage you to take the article, make some small modifications, and then post it to your own your site. Instantly, your site's content grows and you soon have a bunch of keyword rich articles for all to enjoy. Before you know it, you too can make $11, 283 from Google per month just as I do!
Okay, let's get serious.
Private Label articles are nothing but plagiarism. By taking a ?private label? article, tweaking it, putting your name on it, and posting it elsewhere is just that. Every article comes from the same root and judging by the quality of some of the articles out there, that root is rotten. Am I being too harsh? Isn't the ?author? giving people the permission to do just that? Oh, they certainly are. Still, it doesn't make it right and it is a bad practice: flooding the internet with scads of similarly written articles serves no one, expect for the person selling the product.
Okay, I am done with my little rant. For now.
Copyright 2006 ? For additional information regarding Matt Keegan, The Article Writer, please visit his blog for wit, quips, and freelance writing tips.