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I get tons of emails from people who want to break into web copywriting. Are you another one who's itching to get in on the copywriting action but don't know how it's done?

Let me guess... you come across these names on the internet... they're popping up everywhere. Damn! Are these people better than you? No. Then how come nobody knows YOUR name?

Well, one reason could be that you don't have a website.

Freelance copywriters often think they can get away with tacking their names up on a couple of freelance job sites and pitching clients via their email.

Are you SERIOUS? That's like living out of a suitcase. You'll never put on a good show, if you're forever throwing samples together that are all wrinkly.

What's the first thing you do when you want to find out about somebody? Why, stalk them on Google of course. Look for some good dirt. Look for anything that comes up with their name attached. What's the quickest way for someone on the web to win your confidence and trust? Lead you to their quality website, of course.

If you don't have a website, the time has come to seriously consider getting one built. Because if you don't, that client you pitched so hard to and send those awesome work samples is only going to get distracted when someone else comes along who DOES have a website.

Okay, so we've agreed that a website is a good home base for your business. But how will you get the word out about you?

Article marketing.

Article marketing can be instrumental in getting your website link out there while simultaneously building up your credibility. Write short articles that will do double-duty as someone else's web content. Include helpful tips and information that your target copywriting prospects will want to know about. Attach your name, short bio and website link to the bottom of your articles. Then post them onto the web through sites like EzineArticles.com.

People will then pick up your articles to display on their sites, and you'll begin to get contacted from interested parties who have read your work and are impressed with your ability. From there come paid writing jobs and countless other opportunities for income!

"Eww," you think, "That sure sounds like a lot of work." Well, maybe, but so is anything else when you're starting from square one.

Do you want to do this copywriting thing right, or do you want to sit there like a big, helpless baby with your arms stretched out, begging for someone to pick you up?

Got some news for you. Nobody is going to pick you up. So get off your duff and help yourself while the going's still good:

1. Build your copywriting website.
2. Start writing articles to promote your skills on the web.

After you write and submit ten articles, send me an email and I will write back and cheer for you! Because then I'll know you're on the path to web copywriting success.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

Liked this article Have more of the same emailed to your inbox each month. Sign up for the Copywriting and Marketing Ezine from Dina at Wordfeeder.com and learn to write search engine friendly web copy and market your web based business for free.




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