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Writing and submitting articles is one of the easiest, most effective ways to market your website or product. For an article marketing campaign to be successful, however, your articles need to be well written, informative and interesting. Writing articles solely for the purpose of increasing links back to your site is a flawed strategy. Most article directories have at least some guidelines and standards which they use to decide whether or not to even accept an article. You'll also be missing the opportunity to take advantage of the more important benefits of article writing, such as effective product promotion and improved search engine rankings.

Successful article marketing relies on being published by websites, newsletters or ezines with a large readership. This will allow you to leverage another site's popularity because of the quality of your work. Write articles that publishers will be eager to use in their publications. This means you have to obey directory guidelines, spell check your work and research your topic.

As the number of publishers using your articles increases, so does your web presence. All it takes is a few publishers with thousands of readers to increase your audience overnight. If a publisher of an newsletter with 1000 subscribers publishes your article, 1000 people will discover your product or website. If 20 newsletter publishers with 1000 subscribers use your article, the number of potential customers increases significantly.

Well written articles which are keyword rich can also generate more visitors through search engine results. Search engines don't just index websites, they index published articles as well. When someone searches for information which is related to your article, the list of results may include your website or, potentially, your articles.

Make use of your keywords throughout your articles. Don't overdo it, however, as repeating a keyword or keyword phrase over and over again will most likely result in a poorly written article which doesn't appeal to publishers, readers or search engines. Remember, readers of well written, helpful and interesting articles will be more likely to click on a link in the resource box and visit your site.

There are other factors that can turn your article marketing efforts into an opportunity that can boost your earnings. Articles are very effective marketing tools since they allow you to promote your products and website. Article writing also enables you to increase your authority within your field. Be sure to write articles which offer the reader quality information about the products or services you're offering and avoid writing articles which sound more like advertisements. Write something interesting about your product. If your articles are poorly written or not very interesting, it may have virtually no benefit since no one will be interested in reading them.

For example, an owner of a website which sells garden products could write about how a outdoor lantern makes patio space welcoming to visitors. Possible article topics could include a product's usefulness, technology or history.

Most any article will give your site at least some increased exposure through back links. However, by spending little extra time creating well written, interesting articles there's the potential for massive exposure.

Try writing and submitting a few articles each week, it'll be well worth your time and effort. Be sure to submit them to both the major article directories as well as smaller niche directories such as http://www.gardenlistings.com/articles You'll be surprised at the sudden surge in the traffic to your site and before you know it, your profits will begin to increase.

R Birch is the publisher of http://www.gardenlistings.com To submit articles to the site's directory visit =>http://www.gardenlistings.com/articles




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