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The secret behind articles is the same secret of how to write a killing sales letter. What you are really doing is to submit and article that catches people interest and click the website of the author.

This is so common that everyone is doing, but not everyone is doing the right way

Let me list the benefits of writing an article and submitting it to hundreds of article directories.

1) You build your credibility
2) Establish a solid online reputation
3) Drive a steady stream of eager customers

There are basically two reason why this work. First, people surf the net to search for information's. Second, people who own website sites are desperate for information. If you could provide a good, free content of information and give it away as an article, you are on your way to build a good steady traffic to your website and be known as expert in that field.

If you don't have the knowledge, you could hire ghostwriters to write for you. You can find that at Elance.com.

Write about things that relates to your product or services. Remember, you goal is to drive traffic to your website.

Make sure that what you write contains valuable or hard to find information. This will increase the chance that site owners will pick up your article and post it in their website. And this is exactly what you want to happen, because then you'll know that traffic is coming. This will also increase the chance of people clicking your website's URL.

Remember, writing an article is just like writing a sales copy, because your goal now is to catch their attention and lead them to click your website's link. Also, provide good, valuable content articles, write things that are hard to find.

Titus Cheng is the creator of the website http://www.articleunlimited.com and http://www.instantebookprofit.com

By: Titus Cheng




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