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As website owners or Internet Marketers, we are always on the lookout for the best, effective yet non-expensive way of promoting our business/websites. However, the best online promotion tactic may not be the most expensive of all. Here's why.

Having a website on the Internet without any traffic is just as good as a dead duck lying on the road. Traffic is our passion. The more traffic that we get, the more probability for increased sales/ conversion to your opt-in lists.

The problem with the online promotion is that the more traffic that you want to get the more time and money that you should be willing to spend. Think of pay-per-click war, search engine optimization or even banner advertising, which of these online site promotion tactics, you or beginners out there, are willing to commit to get long term and constant free traffic to your website?

The only best solution for this matter has always been article writing and submitting them to online article directory(s) or article submissions services. Sure this may cost a little bit of time and money to you, but at the end of the day the results you'll get are simply better than all other online marketing tactics that you've heard of.

Here are the top 5 reasons why you should write articles and submit your free reprint articles to article content directory(s).

Increase link popularity
Link popularity of your website simply means the number of external websites which are pointing to yours. Higher number of websites linking to you will make the search engines, such as Google, to look at your website as the authoritative content for your niche market. Eventually, your website will have better chance of ranking up higher in the search engines.

Sure, you can fire up your reciprocal link exchange campaign to request backlinks from other website owners, but in reality this will never work out as effective as you would expect to be. How article writing may help you to increase link popularity of your website is by way of putting your short little ?About the author? bio of yourself and the url of your website at the bottom of the article. After submitting to articles directories, once approved, you'll instantaneously gain increased of websites (article directories) pointing to your website through the url in your bio.

Bring in Tons Of Traffics
Having multiple article directories pointing to your website is one thing. Imagine if your article is interesting enough to be picked up by a webmaster who probably has hundreds of thousands of mailing list subscribers, your article will not only end up getting posted on the website for surfers to view, but also to the mailing list as well. Fact is, you can possible have tons and tons of potential readers of your article and could bring in free traffic to your website just by having your article picked up by only one webmaster with huge subscribers list.

Increase Your Reputation and Web Presence
Let's face it. The Internet has definitely revolutionized our way of communication and lifestyle. But it has certainly brought in lots of potential competitors, spammers and nonsense jokers who simply brag about just how good their products/ services are. Your article writing is simple your only way to brand yourself as an expert and increase your reputation as well as your web presence.

The hardest part about doing business on the Internet is simply to gain trust from your prospects or customers. The more great and informative articles you write, the better you are in positioning yourself as an authoritative expert in your field.

Get Indexed In Search Engines Faster
Pagerank is the Google technology to rank just how good or authoritative a website is. The higher the ranking, the better the website is and the more frequent their spiders will visit their websites. If your any of your articles got featured on their website, you'll definitely get to lure the search engine spiders to index your website much faster. But remember though, you should remember to put in your website links at the bottom of the article.

Free Advertisement
Nothing beats the satisfaction of having your advertisement read by hundreds or even thousands of potential prospects, for free. You can always opt to but text links from highly-visited websites, but expect to pay around USD100-150 dollars worth of your pocket money every month.

The beauty of writing articles and submitting article to free article directory(s) is that you could write a little promotion through the ?Author's Resouces? or ?About the Author? area at the bottom of the article. If you are launching a new book or doing a site promotion for your new websites, this is the best and free method to use.

Article writing and distributing to online article directory(s) should always be in your traffic toolbox. It's a darn smart marketing, simple yet effective way of boosting the traffic to your website. Best of all, it helps you to generate the most important traffic there is: targeted traffic!

About the Author
Sunny Tan is the man behind http://www.tips.com.my, a free web site content and reprint article directory for multiple topic categories. Submit your articles now for free RSS syndication and gain wide exposure for your business at no cost. If you drive a car, head on to Sunny's free newsletter where he debunks the myth and truth to increase gas mileage at http://www.extragasmileage.com

By: Sunny Tan




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