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Writing Lead Pulling Articles The Extreme Make Or Break Points

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When Writing Lead Pulling Articles, the Most Extreme "Make or Break" Point, is Your Topics Marketability.

Before you attempt to write an extreme lead pulling article, be sure to overcome the most overlooked ?Make or Break? point, by your competition. Believe it or not, 95% of the time, your competition, never do any research, to a find a product in high demand. In fact, many of them don't even know how too! This is much easier than you may think.

Often, marketers are so focused on what they want to sell to the public, they don't think of asking the public, what THEY want to buy. It's a common marketing mistake, easily avoided, with good research. So, let's talk about how to research a topic in the example of below.

Like I said, good research is not difficult. You can begin researching a topic based on your hobbies, or, an aspect, of your current business. So, here is an incredibly simplistic strategy you can use to ask the public what they want, relating to your business. Go to forums on the Internet, and post questions. Ask what other business owners would like to find. Then, your target market will post responses, telling you that they tell what they want. Next, find or, create the product, and set up a web site to sell it with. Now, go back to the forums, offer it, and write articles about, or, relating to the product.

Articles will show up high in the same natural search engine results, where your target market is looking for the product you offer, if you know how to write then for search engines. Well written articles give information about the specific topic, and inform people about aspects of the topic, they may not have known about. Speaking of which, were you aware that there are many ways to generate leads, aside from articles, including Press Releases, Pay Per Click, and Solo Ads, to name only a few other options? A well designed, lead pulling web site is another seriously overlooked related topic. So, hold that thought as you read. I'll mention it again in a moment.

When you're Writing Lead Pulling Articles, your Title and first paragraph are Incredibly important "Make or Break" points that must relate closely!

OK, we have the marketing out of the way. So, let's talk about writing the actual article to your target market. Start writing your articles with your title, and first paragraph, already in mind. The first paragraph is a very important place to start giving good information about your topic, to assure that your articles will be read! Your title should have your topic close to the beginning of your articles title. Remember to capitalize every word in the title as well. Our topic is ?Writing Lead Pulling Articles?. As you can see, the full title is; ?Writing Lead Pulling Articles- The Extreme "Make Or Break Points?. The topic IS what starts the title in this example. So, always make your first paragraph related to, and reinforce, you title.

Each paragraph should expound upon the theme of your article. You can write as many, or, as few paragraphs in your article as you want. As long as each paragraph gives the reader good information, and encourages your reader to keep reading your article, it's good content. So, write it! You will want your article to show your expertise on the topic. The concept of writing articles to generate leads is very simple. Write in a way that makes your reader hungry for more information that's interesting and intriguing.

An Article Writing Kiss of Death "Break" Point to Avoid.

Keeping your readers interested in your topic is the key to writing a lead-pulling article. While keeping your content interesting enough to read is important, giving away too much information is one ?kiss of death? to avoid. To generate sales leads for your business, offer more information about your topic, and, many other valuable related points of interest to them on your web site. Help your readers to find what THEY are looking for.

Multiple Streams of Leads

I'm sure you've heard the phrase "Multiple streams of income", but you may not have heard this phrase, "Multiple streams of leads". The two go hand in hand. Knowing how to write an article is very valuable information. This article has given you a basic outline to use. However, in order to generate many sales leads for your business, there are many promotional methods you can, and should be using if you truly intend to make a great income. You see, business owners who generate very high sales volume, on a regular basis, are actually utilizing many different promotional methods to generate targeted leads.

For more information about generating multiple streams of leads for your business, visit my web site, take me up on my 15 minute lead generation consultation offer and, or, download your copy of my no cost, 28 page, ?Spinning? Lead Generation Book. You'll literally see what I mean!

Take care,

Guy Vincent Harvey




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