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Welcome to Autoresponder Guide! 

TIP! Research Shows: About 96% of the online businesses fail... and 82% among these 96% failed businesses NEVER had an autoresponder or an email marketing system in place!. Picture is crystal clear. You need an autoresponder and an email marketing system in place to make profits. Period. Here is a list of free autoresponders.

Increasing Your Sales With Autoresponders


The TOP-3-Picks From Various
Autoresponder Services



Getresponse.com - Start For Free



BenchmarkEmail.com - Start For Free

The Autoresponder is without a doubt one of the finest marketing tools you can get. It is a widely used application that will automatically respond to any email that it receives. They are considered to be magical indeed, triggered by a blank email that they receive to their address. Once they receive this email, they automatically start working for your business.

Whenever someone sends the Autoresponder a message, the individual who sent the message will receive a preset email message with the information they were seeking. Depending on the servers and speed of the Internet, the email response will happen very fast. Autoresponders have always been known for their quick speed and fast responses to any type of email message they receive.

One of the best things about Autoresponders is the fact that they are always available. They are always there 24/7, providing your clients and customers with the information they seek. They will make your business life easier, by boosting your sales. They require little work from you, yet they are easy to operate. They can also make managing your customers and clients easier than ever, as they will help you keep track of your responses and keep up with email addresses you receive.

We Strongly Recommend AWeber Unlimited Autoresponders For All Your Autoresponder Needs Including RSS Integration.

Even if you've never used an Autoresponder before, you can easily use it to your advantage with your online business. You can preset it to say a variety of messages, even inform your clients about future offers and products. This is a great way to get your message out there, especially if you are currently holding a sale or other deal that you know people won't want to miss out on.

Autoresponders will work for you day or night, making your company information available to anyone whenever they want it.

Contrary to popular belief, not all buyers are impulse buyers. Research has shown that less than 15% of those who visit websites are impulse buyers. Although most websites focus themselves on getting visitors to buy their products immediately, most buyers need time to think about a product or offer they will purchase it. Most buyers don't like to buy something immediately, simply because they may not be familiar with the product or know what it can do for them. Therefore, most buyers will learn all they can about something before they decide to go ahead and purchase it.

You can also use an Autoresponder to distribute courses, articles or reports to your clients and subscribers. They are also great for providing free information to interested individuals, or immediately sending out information about your products and opportunities. You can also choose to send out price lists as well, or welcome new clients to your organization. If customers have purchased from you before, you can use an Autoresponder to send out confirmations, thank you notes, and even offer discounts to those who buy your products.

In the world of Internet marketing, Autoresponders are simply beneficial to have. They are worth more than the price you pay for them, simply because they will provide you with so much for so little. One of the best in the business is Aweber.com. Sending out information is easy with an Autoresponder as it will provide information about your company and products to interested clients the instant they need it.

All in all, an Autoresponder will help you operate your business easier than ever before. Autoresponders will keep you in a constant state of readiness and in constant touch with your customers. You can feel free to go out and do what you want and rest assured that your Autoresponder will be there to supply information to those who need it.

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More Autoresponders Tips

Using Autoresponders Responsibly
Never add people to your autoresponder mailing list that should not be there. If they have requested information from you, they should automatically be added, and you should have a �double opt-in� method in place to make them confirm that they have requested the information...
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Using An Autoresponder to Generate Leads
In fact, the only thing more important that the autoresponder is your opt-in list! But all autoresponders start out without a list � the list doesn�t exist until your autoresponder mailing list starts filling up with names and email addresses!
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Getting Your Autoresponder Messages Through The Spam Filters
The other way to make sure that your autoresponder messages get through the spam filters is to check them using one of the various spam checkers that are available online. These programs are often web based, and free to use. They check your message for words or phrases that commonly trigger spam filters in email clients.
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