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TIP! Research Shows: About 96% of the online businesses fail... and 82% among these 96% failed businesses NEVER had an autoresponder or an email marketing system in place!. Picture is crystal clear. You need an autoresponder and an email marketing system in place to make profits. Period. Here is a list of free autoresponders.

The Difference Between Autoresponder Programs and Autoresponder Services


The TOP-3-Picks From Various
Autoresponder Services



Getresponse.com - Start For Free



BenchmarkEmail.com - Start For Free

Many newcomers to the Internet marketing arena are not aware that there is a vast difference between an Autoresponder program and an Autoresponder service. Not knowing the difference, they often purchase the wrong type of Autoresponder, and find out too late that they have wasted money on a program that is useless to them.

An Autoresponder program is a program that is set up on your web server. This is usually a free Autoresponder that comes with your web hosting account. Many people don?t like to use Autoresponder services; so instead, they use an Autoresponder program that they have more control over. Some of those people don?t like the Autoresponder programs that come with their hosting accounts either and purchase Autoresponder programs or scripts that must be installed on their web server.

Other people are quite happy with using an Autoresponder service. This is a service that is usually paid for on a monthly or yearly basis. The fees are ongoing, and everything is browser based. In other words, you can set up your Autoresponder messages and manage your opt-in list through your web browser ? just as you can with an Autoresponder program that is installed through your web hosting account. The difference is that the service runs on the Autoresponder service?s web server ? not yours or your web hosts.

We Strongly Recommend AWeber Unlimited Autoresponders For All Your Autoresponder Needs Including RSS Integration! These Short Videos Will Make It Clear.

Beginners are usually better off using an Autoresponder service. These services are very easy to understand and to use, and no technical knowledge is needed to set things up. As a newcomer to the field, however, you might be concerned about the costs of an Autoresponder service. If this is the case, you have the option of signing up with a free Autoresponder service.

Free services make their money by placing advertisements in each Autoresponder message that you send out. Sometimes these ads appear at the top of your messages, and sometimes they appear at the bottom. Some of the free services are simply an enticement to purchase the professional version, and have many of the more advanced features, such as tracking, disabled.

More advanced users often choose to use Autoresponder programs, simply because they have more control over the Autoresponder, and they don?t have to follow some of the stiffer rules imposed by Autoresponder services, such as sending confirmation to each and every person who is entered into the Autoresponders list.

The Autoresponder that you choose is strictly up to you, but in most cases, an Autoresponder service should suit your needs. If you are unsure, look for a service that offers free signups, with the option of upgrading to the professional paid version at a later date.

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More Autoresponders Tips

Using An Autoresponder to Generate Leads
In fact, the only thing more important that the autoresponder is your opt-in list! But all autoresponders start out without a list � the list doesn�t exist until your autoresponder mailing list starts filling up with names and email addresses!
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Powerful Autoresponders � Does Yours Measure Up?
If you are moving your list from one service to another, you need the ability to import names and addresses to your list. Again, if your autoresponder service isn�t powerful enough to allow this, look for a different one!... Click here to read..

Using an Autoresponder to Publish an Ezine
There are many uses for an autoresponder. One such use is the publishing and distribution of an ezine or newsletter. Since autoresponder services usually are set up to send automatic responses to the people on the list at certain intervals after they sign up, setting up an autoresponder and using it to publish an ezine can be a little confusing...
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