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TIP! Research Shows: About 96% of the online businesses fail... and 82% among these 96% failed businesses NEVER had an autoresponder or an email marketing system in place!. Picture is crystal clear. You need an autoresponder and an email marketing system in place to make profits. Period. Here is a list of free autoresponders. |
Using Autoresponders Responsibly
In today�s world of unsolicited
email and spam laws, it is extremely important that you learn
to use your Autoresponder responsibly!
Autoresponders make our lives much simpler,
and they are very powerful marketing tools, but if they are used in a way
that they are not intended, they can quickly turn your life into a
First, never add people to your Autoresponder mailing list that should not
be there. If they have requested information from you, they should
automatically be added, and you should have a �double opt-in�
method in place to make them confirm that they have requested the
A double opt-in
serves to protect you and them!
Each Autoresponder message should include a
link that the recipient can click that will automatically remove them from
the mailing list. Without this link, you will be breaking the spam laws,
and you risk having your website, your ISP service, your email, and your
Autoresponders shut down!
We all want to build a list of a million people, but you must do so
responsibly, and it does take time. There are no short cuts here!
Don�t get in a hurry and break all the rules
and laws in an attempt to build a large list. This will only result in
losing your list altogether!
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More Autoresponders Tips
Improper Uses of Autoresponders
Avoid these problems and use your autoresponder in ways that it was meant to be used. Do not use the autoresponder irresponsibly! Not only will you create problems for others, but you may find that you get reported for spam!...
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Using Autoresponders To Keep Up With Email
If you've been looking for help with your email troubles, it may be the time to invest in an autoresponder. With the help of an autoresponder, you'll have no trouble keeping up with your email...
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The Magic Of Autoresponders
A majority of those who visit a new website have no intention of purchasing anything. Here comes the extreme usefulness of autoresponders fot maintaining that vital contact with the customer - all on autopilot!
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