unprofessional little home made web site brought in $115,467.21 last year
and you're about to discover how you can do the same...
How To Get FIVE Money-Making Web Sites In 29 Minutes Or Less...Without
Spending A Fortune!"
Dear Friend,
You're about
to discover how you can have FIVE of your own Internet businesses set
up and taking orders within 29 minutes...for
less than half of what most people spend on groceries!
But first,
please let me introduce myself...
Hi! My name
is Frank Kern. I'd like for you to know up front that I'm not an Internet
Guru...Not A Computer Wiz...And Not A Marketing Genius.
First of
all, I'll admit that I don't expect you to believe a single word
I say.
After all,
how many times a day are you BOMBARDED with some lame "get-rich-quick"
scheme on the Internet?
You probably
get a brand new promise of instant wealth every few hours in your
e-mail box and if you're anything like me, you've tried a few and been
left with nothing but a hole in your pocket!
Well, I've
got great news for you.
Now you too
can make great money right from your home with your own auto-pilot "Internet
But before
we get into that, let me prove to you that I'm actually
doing it and that you can too...
Solid Proof
it is...a copy of my bank statement showing my daily deposits totaling over
$4,559.13 for the last
week in February.

Legal warning: The above bank statement
has been produced just to show you its potential. In no way it proves that
you will also make the same amount of money made by the Author Frank Kern.
Now I
want you to know this was NOT a normal week.
It's usually around $1,400.00 to $2,100.00. February just happened to
end with a BANG!
Can Do It Too...
I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I'll make you rich... or that
if you give me money, you'll make gobs of cash just sitting on your couch
doing nothing.
would anyone want to insult your intelligence like that?
I will tell you that you can cash in on your share of all the money
that's being made out there on the Internet and I'm going to show you
how. In fact, I'm willing to help you personally.
once you learn the simple little system I'm going to show you,
you can even be making money while you travel, play golf with your friends,
or spend time at home with your family.
how you do it:
selling instantly downloadable information products from your
home, even while you're out having fun or traveling the world...
And the best
part is...you don't even have to have a creative bone in your body!
trying to write an e-book. That takes forever! And forget trying to
develop the "next hot product". It takes way too long and who
knows if it will sell?
By the time
you're done reading this letter, you'll know how to have FIVE of your
own web sites set up and accepting orders in less than 29 minutes.
Think about
what I'm telling you here: You'll have FIVE of
your own money making businesses completely ready
to go in 29 minutes. (I
know that's a pretty big promise but bear with me. I'll show you how in
a minute!)
The Perfect Business
Can Run It From Home...Or From Anywhere With A Telephone Connection
There Is No Large Investment To Get Started
You Can Put Everything On Auto-Pilot
There Is No Face-To-Face Selling Involved
There Is No Inventory To Buy Or Ship
You Can Even Work In Your Underwear If You Want To (No More Ties!)
Sound good?
It Is!
Cash Flow System That Brought In Over $115,467.00 In The First Year
Internet Business brought in over $115,467.21 last year and I'm going
to show you exactly how you can do the same thing. But I'm not going
to stop there...I'm going to give you FIVE Internet businesses you can
start right now...TODAY!

Instant Internet Empires!
Internet Empires gives you FIVE complete Internet
businesses including:
- FIVE DIFFERENT hot selling royalty free information products! You keep ALL the profit!
- FIVE DIFFERENT professionally made order-pulling websites! You don't need even a little bit of web design skills...it's all done for you already. Just plug your web sites in and go!
- FIVE DIFFERENT sets of proven marketing materials! Forget trying to create your own. It takes too long and who knows they'll even work?
- Step by step VIDEO tutorials! You won't be left wondering how to get started. I personally walk you through each step of getting set up in these awesome downloadable videos!
- A FREE order processing system so you can take credit cards at your web sites! No monthly fees and BETTER than a merchant account! I've even made a video tutorial to show you how to
get set up and taking orders in under four minutes!
- A special Internet marketing library that walks you through every step of driving traffic to your web site...and bringing in the orders!
- KILLER special bonuses that you can actually use! (keep reading to find out more...)
- All
for less than half of what most people spend on groceries!
Exactly What You Get And Why It Will Make You Money...
Each business comes with a professionally
created web site, hot selling digital products with reprint rights,
and proven order-pulling marketing materials.
pay me NO on-going fees or royalties for any of these businesses...and
100% of the profit is yours to keep.
Internet Business Number One: Building
Wealth With Licensing - Audio Seminar And Web Site:

Overview Of Instant Business #1:
business sells a hot new downloadable audio seminar by marketing
guru Paul Hartunian. The product is royalty-free so every sale
you make is pure profit.
is known as "The Man Who Sold The Brooklyn Bridge". He's
been featured on every major television network in the country,
including CBS, NBC, CNN, ABC, and others. Paul's seminars cost anywhere
between $500.00 and $1,875.00 to attend...and they sell out quickly!
Now you
can sell his new hot-selling audio seminar over the Internet for
$49.95 all day long...and I've seen it advertised for as much
as $97.00! Remember, this product is downloadable and royalty free
so every sale you make is 100% profit!
You also
get an awesome professionally made web site that sells this product
for you, 24 hours a day...every day of the year. Just 2 measly sales
a day will bring in almost $699.30 profit PER WEEK!
Internet Business Number Two:
Belt Web Marketing: A Downloadable Internet Marketing Course With
Website |
Overview For Business #2:
business sells the power packed Black Belt Web Marketing course. It's
downloadable and royalty - free so every sale you make is 100%
pure profit.
Gates described the Internet as the "Gold rush of the 21st
century". Each month, tens of thousands of Internet Marketers
are joining in the "Internet Gold Rush" and spending hundreds
of thousands of dollars to learn how to promote their web sites.
you can cash in on your share by simply giving them what they want
(and what they're already buying)...a high powered marketing course
that really pulls in the hits!
courses are selling all over the Net for an average of $200.00. But
I recommend that you give people a break and sell Black Belt Web Marketing
for a fair price of $37.00.
Because you'll sell a ton of them . Besides your customers
will feel like they got a steal of a deal and they'll continue to
do business with you for years to come!
You also
get an awesome professionally made web site that sells this product
for you, 24 hours a day...every day of the year. Just 2 measly sales
a day at 37.00 will bring in almost $518.00 of pure profit PER
Internet Business Number Three: Autoresponder
Magic: Super- Hot Selling New E-book by Yanik Silver Complete With
Web Site |

Overview For Business #3:
one is selling like crazy right now! Just listen to what these
saavy Internet entrepreneurs have to say:
sold over 150 copies of it in a few days [$2,550.00 in profit],
to a fairly weak and small list which I have only recently began
to build.
Amazing. You must have hit the price point, or the title, or
the sales letter, right on - or all 3. This is certainly, and
obviously, what people WANT to buy."
Scott Covert
really can't believe how easily and fast this ebook sold when
I first started marketing it.
the sales continue to come in today.
I have sold over 190 [$3,320.00 PROFIT] copies of this ebook
and that is just counting front end sales.
have a real winner here!"
Stringham, www.EzineHits.com
snatch Autoresponder Magic up faster than you can say "instant
profits"...and for good reason! The product is excellent
and it's the only one of it's kind out there.
when you sell it at only $17 a copy, it's a steal for your
The web
site is killer too. It can bring you an easy three orders a day
with minimal promotion.
sales a day at just $17 each brings almost $357.00 in profit PER
Internet Business Number Four:
Million Dollar
Emails E-book With Order Taking Web Site...SPECIAL

Overview For Business #4:
killer E-book has just been released and people are buying it in record
In fact,
it brought me $5,320.00 in sales within the first 28 days.
Dollar Emails" is a new eBook that contains some of the most successful
and persuasive emails ever written.
here's the best part, in many of the examples, you'll see the exact
numbers and results from their campaigns. Response rates, sales figures,
and other insider information all culled from their private records.
information has been totally confidential - until now
The power
of email marketing is truly the "killer app" of the Internet. If you
dropped me anywhere in the world with just a dial-up connection, I
guarantee that within 24 hours I could generate an immediate cash
surge for you.
Just by sending out a simple email. It's true. And it doesn't matter
if your business is online or off.
put, once you know the secret of using email marketing - it's literally
like having the power to create cash on demand. Imagine, anytime
you need more money, you just hit SEND!
been pulling in as many as 23 sales a day for "Million Dollar
Emails" at 19 bucks a sale. That's $437.00 in pure profit
just for one day!
But that
doesn't happen every day...and to expect that every day would be a
little unrealistic. But I'll tell you what is realistic...an
easy 2 or 3 sales a day!
sales a day at $19 per sale makes almost $399.00 per WEEK in pure
OK, before
we get to the really exciting part...which is Instant
Internet Business Number Five, let's review the value of
each Instant Internet Business so far:
Business Name
Web Site Value
Wealth With Licensing Audio Seminar |
Belt Web Marketing |
Responder Magic |
Dollar E-mails Special Video Edition |
Just the
web site designs alone are worth $1,300.00...and if you add in the product
values you have a total value of $1,424.00!
And that's
before we've even seen what Instant Business Number Five is...and before
we've even looked at the extra "surprise" goodies!
Now don't
worry. I won't charge you anywhere near that much. Remember,
I told you that you could get set up for less than half of what most
people spend on lunch and I meant it!
But before
we get to the price, I want to show you why I've been saving the best
for last....let's look at Instant Business #5!
Internet Business Number Five: Master
Resale And Royalty Free Duplication Rights To This Very Web Site You're
Reading...And All Of The Products Above! |

You heard me correctly. You also get your very own copy of this
web site and sales letter...and you get full royalty free re-sale
rights to the entire Instant Internet Empire package!
right, you can sell this entire package from your own web site (just
like this one) and keep 100% of the profits!
web site pulls in orders for me all day and it can do the same for
you...all on auto pilot!
about this...according to search engine statistics, over 159,388
people are searching for "home business" information on
the Internet EVERY DAY.
And you
have exactly what they want! Do you think that out of 159,388
people you might be able to get a few orders every day? Of
course you can!
I want
to make it as easy for you as possible...so you'll succeed,
be happy, and continue to do business with me in the future....and
that's why I'm not going to charge you "an arm and a leg"
to get started!
I'll bet by
now you're "worrying" about the price...
There's a
LOT of value in this package. Heck, just the re-print and resale rights
to this one web site is worth an EASY $875.00
Plus you
get those four other Instant Internet Businesses with professional web
sites...and we know that just getting the web sites made is worth $1,300.00
(and we didn't even figure in how much the re-sale rights are worth!).
My associates
all tell me I should sell this package for no less than $377.00...and
they say that people would flock to it at that low price. Quite frankly
I agree!
But I'm
not going to sell it for anywhere near that much. Here's why: I
want you to be totally thrilled with the value that you're getting.
I know that if you are satisfied...and feel that I've over-delivered...and
given you more than you expected...then you'll most likely do business
with me again in the future.
I firmly
believe that that's the key to true long-term business success.
And that's
why I've decided to practically give this package away and only charge
you a one time fee of $39.77!
learnhomebusiness.com gives you this just for
You should
realize that this is a very limited time offer and that I plan
to raise the price to $79.99 very soon. You and I both know it's still
a steal at that price.
So, if
you order by today, , I will guarantee that you'll get the entire
package...the Building Wealth With Licensing audio seminar and web site,
the Black Belt Web Marketing Course and web site, Autoresponder Magic
E-Book and web site, Million Dollar E-mails E-Book and web site, and royalty
free unlimited resale rights to all of them... plus an exact duplicate
of this web site complete with resale rights to the entire Instant Internet
Empire collection (whew! that's a lot!) for a measly $19.88!
All you have
to do is 'plug-in' what you're given and you could be taking orders and
making money from all five web sites by the end of the day.
father and I have brought in $6,371.00 in sales so far and we know
it's just the beginning. This is a great way to make money...."
Roberts, Fairview, NC.
at the low, low price of $39.77, you can easily make back your investment
on your first day.
there's another BIG bonus I'm going to include if you act right away ...one
that is sure to pay you back in spades!

Web Master Video Set!
In this
step by step easy video download, I take you from a total beginner
to a capable web master in minutes.
And I
use YOUR Instant Internet Empire web site as an example so you'll learn
just a fraction of what you'll master:
to be NUMBER ONE on top search engines like AOL, Lycos, And AltaVista
in four days or less!
to set up an AUTO-PILOT ordering system so you can take credit cards
from your web site...FREE!
to register your own domain name in no time flat!
to edit your web sites using free trial software you can get on the
to get set up with super low-cost web hosting!
to publish your web sites to the Internet!
much more!
learn so much from these videos that your friends will think you've
been spending all of your nights and weekends in some high-priced computer
And that's
not all...I'm also granting you FREE unlimited re-sale and distribution
rights to this hot downloadable video set!
I challenge
you to find a video set that is this fresh...this new...and this FREE
anywhere on the Internet. You won't!
You can
easily sell them on e-bay for $39.99 and get orders all day long.
You might even sell them for more!
Put them
to work as an additional stream of income, give them away to your customers
as a bonus, use them to generate leads, whatever you want!
videos are worth twice the cost of this entire package just by themselves.
- Fast Action Bonus #2

To Create A Tremendous Explosion Of Profits In 21 Days Or Less By
Dan Kennedy
I'm very
proud to offer you this exclusive E-Book by Dan Kennedy.
Dan is
one of the highest paid marketing consultants on the planet. He has
a waiting list of people each willing to pay him over $6,000.00
PER DAY just for his time.
to say, you'll get a lot from this excellent e-book. In it, Dan reveals
the absolute fastest way that any business can generate profits...in
21 days or less!
And best
of all, you're free to distribute it to your customers as you please!
And there
is still another reason to take advantage of this opportunity - it's my
Love-It-Or-Leave-It Guarantee"
Your success
in using these powerful Internet Businesses is completely guaranteed.
In fact,
here's my 100% Love-It-Or-Leave-It' Guarantee:
you're not absolutely ecstatic and thrilled when you get this package
- for any reason at all - I'll cheerfully refund your money. No headaches,
no hassles and no weasel clauses. |
You've got
one full year to check it out! Is that fair or what? There is absolutely
no risk, whatsoever on your part. The burden to deliver is entirely on
Think about
are only 4 keys to making money on the Internet:
- You’ve
got to have a product to sell.
- You’ve
got to have a Website that sells your product.
- You’ve
got to know how to promote your Website and get people to find you.
- You’ve
got to accept credit card orders.
Instant Internet
Empires gives you all that and a lot more...FIVE TIMES OVER!
There’s just
no reason NOT to get in on the Internet "gold rush" with this Program.
You know,
most people are just too darned busy earning a living or running their
present business to figure out how to make money with the Internet. These
"too busy" people will watch the greatest moneymaking revolution in U.S.
history pass them by.
You do not
have to be left out. I’ve made it simple, easy, quick, and virtually
effortless for you to join me in receiving money everyday through
the Internet.
Act on this
now, and you can be on the way to having everything in the world you want
-- true financial independence and freedom.
Use all this
extra cash to wipe out all your debts, buy a new car, home, or whatever.
Or "stepladder" this into even more exciting entrepreneurial activities
-- after all, you’ll get FIVE moneymaking websites to start with.
Bask in the
respect and admiration (and dare I say envy) of family and friends as
they see you making big money "while you sleep" as an Internet
entrepreneur! (And wait ‘til they see your new, professionally designed
Order now,
and the entire world of opportunity swings its doors wide open for you.
Here's How To Get Started
Right Now With Instant Access
To get your
hands on "Instant Internet Empires" and get in on these incredible bonuses
- just click here!
You'll get
instant access. If you're ready to discover how to make a fortune with
your own "Internet Empire"...and to effortlessly create cash
surges on demand... click here to take action.
You simply
couldn't ask for a better deal!

Frank Kern
UPDATE: Due to the overwhelming response coming in to this offer, the
free resale and redistribution rights ...and Mega bonuses could end at
anytime. Wait too long, and it may be too late. .............................................................................................................