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Welcome to 's Issue Of "HomeBiz-Tips" 

HomeBiz-Tips E-Mag
The Online Marketers Friendly E-Mag

Date: 12-15-2003 Issue: December-->15-30
S. Kumar, Editor, www.learnhomebusiness.com  


Hi ,

This will be the last issue of 'HomeBiz-Tips' in 2003.

It's a proud realization for me that- We are moving on to its 3rd year of publication. It has been my pleasure to bring you 'precise' info for the past two years and you can expect the same in 2004 too.

And the major contributing factor is you - without your co-operation and your eyeballs, this Newsletter does not exist.

As we move towards 2004, accept my sincere gratitude for being a member, for turning a blind eye to the mistakes I make and for my grammatically incorrect English.

Wish you & family a merry X-Mas...and a productive 2004 -where all your dreams come alive and take concrete shape.

Courteously -- S. Kumar
- Editor -


 SPOTLIGHT ON:  "Your Own Membership Web Site"

Online content spending hits $1.4B this year. US consumer online content spending will grow 10.4% this year over 2002, reports eMarketer. 

- What's your share in this? -

Verify It Here
Build Own Membership Website


The days of free Internet are over and is being replaced by paid content. I have already registered a domain to provide memberships to tons of Mkg content that I hold. Yes, In about 3 months, I will also be a part of the fastest growing trend in online income today- paid content.

You too can with the help from Michael.

Michael Rasmussen portrays the operation of a membership website from start-to-finish with step-by-step instructions that are virtually foolproof. His detailed plan reveals exactly how to build a profitable web site from the ground up!... It even shows you what content people will pay for and where to find it. 

Owning a membership website is an excellent project to work on now and launch it in 2004. Try it.

Verify It Here
Build Own Membership Website


GUEST ARTICLE by Karon Thackston

The Creative Art of Customer Service Damage Control by Karon Thackston

Ooops! It happens to the best of us. You certainly didn't mean to, but you've managed to make a customer angry. Now what do you do?

No one is exempt from those problems that creep up from time to time. It's inevitable. Mistakes do happen. The important part is how you recover. These steps will give you some guidelines for smoothing over the rough places.

Apologize First and foremost
: If the problem is your fault, let the customer know that you recognize your error and are sorry. If the problem is not your fault, apologize for any inconvenience or miscommunication. The customer need not hear a lecture about company policy and how the entire incident could have been avoided if... Allow your customer to save face.

Focus on the Solution, Not the Problem: It's easy to point fingers when a mishap has occurred. However, trying to determine who's to blame will not solve the problem. It's best to focus on resolving the customer's complaint first and later researching where the incident
originated.. If the customer insists on pointing fingers at you, simply apologize again and change the subject back to problem solving.

Quickly Correct The Error: The more speed incorporated into correcting the situation, the better. If a shipment didn't go out in time, offer to send the package two-day air or overnight express. If the information wasn't emailed, let the customer know it will go out within the hour. Showing your customer you understand their predicament and are willing to help ease the pain will go a long way.

Follow Up This is key
: Call the customer to make sure the replacement was received or that the technician arrived and corrected the problem. What a wonderful way to let the customer know you really do care about them!

And finally...Go the Extra Mile: If the problem was indeed your fault, and was of considerable magnitude, go above and beyond to let the customer know you're truly sorry. Send a little extra surprise. There are a few things to remember when shipping favors...

  • Do it quickly. It will lose its impact if sent several weeks after the incident occurred.

  • Make it personal. Don't send golf tees to a fishing fan.

  • Make it inexpensive. There are many ways express yourself without breaking the budget. Try a small arrangement of flowers, movie tickets, candy, etc.

  • Make it consumable. A gold-plated business card holder is nice, but each time someone comments on its beauty your customer is likely to relive the tale of how he/she got it. Sending a consumable surprise makes an impact and then allows the mishap to be forgotten.

Using these techniques will afford you a little more
comfort knowing you have a plan of action... just in case!

Karon is Owner and President of KT & Associates who offers targeted copywriting, copy editing & ghostwriting services. visit her site at


I have already emailed you about the X-Mas proposition that is set to expire on 12/23/2003.

In case you missed it- its the most valuable X-Mas Phenomena on the Internet now and will be there for only for next 4 days. It comes from the trusted stables of Learnhomebusiness.com

To put it simply, you will own 215 products, many valuable resources, get to use 105 web tools and more. You need to ponder on this more.

Visit Here To Grab 215 Products 
(Will Expire On 12/23/2003)



Let me share two facts with you.

a. I get 90% of my sales from my subscribers

b. 40% of my customers are repeat customers.

The Lesson - Gold is in the List.

So for this issue, I have assembled some excellent resources (rare) that will help you build your list.

1. Secrets to Email Mkg Success: An excellent PowerPoint presentation that teaches all about using email as a Mkg medium. Very succinct and to the point.

2. Viral Mkg:  Viral Mkg methodologies detailed in an easy-to-follow PowerPoint presentation. Done in a pin-point fashion.

3. Email Mkg checklist: Simple to use word document that helps you to define your email mkg strategy.

4. Email newsletter planning worksheet: The name says it all.

5. Email campaign planning worksheet: This worksheet helps you to sharpen your email campaign with laser beam edges.

Access all 5 here for free
Visit Here To Download Them



Special Note:
You can grab as many as 55 digital products to resell by upgrading HomeBiz Pro to the deluxe version...in case you do not have a product 
to sell. Visit here for details.


Well. That sums up December-2003. Do not Forget To Rate 'HomeBiz-Tips'. Your valuable vote helps us to improve this E-Mag as well as allow us to keep it Ad-Free.

You are also encouraged to pass 'HomeBiz-Tips' along. It just may be useful to some one else!

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Visit here to ensure your own copy as well a free gift: Subscribe Here.

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By Clicking Here


Cordially -- S. Kumar

Publisher: http://www.learnhomebusiness.com 
Subscribe: Click Here To Subscribe
Author of eBook:
"Become A Global Homebusiness Pro.."
Download It FREE From - http://www.learnhomebusiness.com   

Copyright 2003: S. Kumar, http://www.learnhomebusiness.com  














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