The Online
Marketers Friendly E-Mag |
Date: 3-1-2003 Issue:
S. Kumar, Editor, www.learnhomebusiness.com
Welcome to
's issue of "HomeBiz-Tips"
How can we
be 100% effective in our small business? Especially when we have so much
to do...and so little time!
Here is a 4Ds
formula that I use.
1001 tasks
to accomplish in a day. But it's humanly impossible to finish all of them!
So I prioritize my work into just 6 most important and difficult tasks
to be accomplished. Then each one is dealt with all my energy and enthusiasm.
Normally, I end up finishing all of them.
What about
the balance work? I simply dumb them! What this essentially means is, I
have already done the important and difficult tasks - and the the
unimportant, time wasting stuff is eliminated.
If I still
feel there are a few more important tasks to be accomplished - its
delayed. If there is time, I will come back to it. If not - it remains
sometimes some things just cannot be delayed. My next option will be to
delegate it to someone or outsource this particular job.
I hope you
will find the 4Ds formula useful.
Can you afford to be mislead with all the misinformation
provided by all those Marketing experts? |

the hype...these guys target the newbies
like you and me to squeeze the last dime out of our already ripped
pockets. Terry Dean's Netbreakthroughs
is a welcome change that we can trust.
We need
information...solid and current marketing information. Not what
worked in 2002 but what works right now! Internet grows and changes so
fast that industry experts consider every two months to be full year
on the Internet. What you are reading now could become useless even 10
minutes later!
Marketing information...fast and which works now! That's what Terry
Dean (An authority on Internet marketing) does in Netbreakthroughs.
This is a paid member ship site and the affiliate program is considered to
be one of the best.
affiliate program is 100% free, pays 25% on the first tier, 10%
on the second tier, globally available. Commission is continually
available every month as long as the people you referred continue the
More over it
is being tracked and operated by Ibill,
one of the premier merchant bankers in the world. Learn
more about Netbreakthroughs. Highly Recommended.
Visit www.netbreakthroughs.com
for more details.
Facts That Will Have You Re-Writing Your Website In A Hurry" by
Aran S. Kay
Do you know the differences between writing copy for the web and writing
copy for print?
Some of the answers will go against your intuition and against cultural
norms. But, these facts detail how people read on the web.
There's no use in arguing against them.
Instead we should embrace them and use this knowledge to our advantage.
Here's what the facts are and how they're going to affect your website.
1)Where Do Eyes Go First When Your Homepage Comes Up?
Contrary to what you might think, it isn't towards the graphics or photos
like in print advertising. Instead your prospects eyes will first go to
the copy. Specifically your headline and sub-heads. Therefore,
your first chance to engage the prospect is through copy. Not graphics.
Seeing as most web users look at a web page for only 3-15 seconds before
deciding whether to stay or move on. The fact that they look at copy first
has massive implications for your website. Fancy graphics won't make a
prospect stay on your website. But a really strong headline and strong
sub-heads will.
2)How Much Of Your Copy Do Users Actually Read?
The fact is that online users, on average, read 75% of the length of any
given page. This is big news because most web pages will have the
important conclusions, calls to action, and order information on the
bottom 25% of any given page. That's a big
no-no. Because it will never get read.
You have to have your call to action and order information presented early
on your web page to ensure it gets read.
3)Why Do Most Banner Ads Produce Poor Click-Through Rates?
1.25 seconds. That's how long an average user will look at your banner ad.
That's just enough time to perceive one image or 6 words (based on college
student's average reading speed of 350 words/minute).
Therefore, banner ads that have animation, taking 4-5 seconds to run
through a cycle, or more than 6 words must be reconsidered. However, if
you really must keep your animated banner ad because "it just looks
so cool!" I would suggest that you at least keep your company logo
visible throughout the entire animation sequence.
4)Why Is Reading Online More Frustrating Than Reading Print?
Turns out that reading from a computer screen causes a person's reading
speed to slow by 25% when compared to reading print. That means reading
long copy can be very frustrating online. Break up the copy to help users
Have a few one line paragraphs.
Use headlines and sub-heads to summarize information. So users who are
tired of reading word-by-word can quickly scan the rest of your document.
5)Are Your Web Page Users Not Getting The Whole Picture?
If you haven't made your web page truly scannable, prospects to your site
may only be getting part of the sales message. Only 21% of online users
read word-by-word. The other 79% scan a web
page headline to headline. Sub-head to sub-head. Picking up
only the larger, bolded or italicized copy.
Your sales message has to be read both by scanners and word-by-word
readers. Therefore all your major selling points, benefits, call to action
and order info must be in easily scannable type.
Otherwise your website will only generate 21% of the sales it could be.
And for the money you put into your website, that's not good enough.
So, if online reading is so different from offline reading. Clearly your
web copy has to follow suit. Take home message? Make sure your website is
performing on all cylinders. Have a professional web writer write your
website. It will save you money in the long run.
Aran Kay is a marketing consultant and freelance copywriter with
experience working for Nintendo, Direct Energy, Kellogg's and more. Access
"The 52 Best Marketing Web Sites." resource for FREE just for
visiting his web site http://www.professionalcopy.ca
Tips For eBook Authors by
Jimmy D Brown
thought of writing an eBook and then abandoned the idea because you
thought you are not fit enough? Read this magnificent book and you
will change that opinion of yourself.
We have made it available for you with 'Triple-Value-Bonus'.
That is choose 3 products for the price of One.
Info Here
To Become Wildly Successful Online by
Jimmy D Brown
Jimmy D Brown teaches you how you can become wildly successful
online by following only two strategies that work every time they are
used...and without them you can never be successful online.
This too is available with 'Triple-Value-Bonus' for you. That
is choose 3 products for the price of One.
Info Here
At Work Report -Free: As an online marketer its essential
that we track our "link movement" through out the Internet.
According to a free report from The Wall Street Journal Online
and eMarketer, over 50 million people in the US are currently online
at work. Of these people, 70% have a college degree or higher and over
50% come from households making $75,000 annually or more.
The complete details including the buying habits can be had from here.
Its in pdf.
Direct Download - Click Here
Stop Losing Customers on the Web -Free eBook : Do
you want to ensure customer satisfaction, continued loyalty from them
and more business from repeat customers.
This eBook will help you!
Direct Download -Click Here
The Service Sellers Course by Kevin Envoy:
This is a full-fledged 233 page eBook that teaches you how to
sell online. You will learn how to build credibility online,
effectively target customers who needs your services and to build
profitable relationships.
Dr.Ken Envoy spills the beans!
Direct Download -Click Here
Well! That sums up the First Fortnight of
March. Do not Forget To Rate 'HomeBiz-Tips'. Your valuable vote helps us to improve this E-Mag
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Cordially -- S. Kumar
Publisher: http://www.learnhomebusiness.com
Subscribe: mailto:subscribe@learnhomebusiness.com
Author of eBook:
"Become A Global Homebusiness Pro.."
Download It FREE From - http://www.learnhomebusiness.com
Copyright 2003: S. Kumar, http://www.learnhomebusiness.com