20 Invisible Benefits Of Writing Articles
That Leads To A
Visible Income. |
20 Invisible Benefits Of Writing Articles That Leads To A Visible
By S. Kumar, Learnhomebusiness.com
Writing articles is one of the most ignored but the most
potent free traffic-generation techniques that is freely
available to anyone. The most surprising element is that
anyone can write articles of about 500-700 words
on any given day!
Writing articles is a sure
fire way to quality publicity, but for god knows only reasons -- writing
articles takes the last priority among our scheme of things!
Here are some of the
most important benefits that will convince you to sit down on that
keyboard and write away to your first article.
Writing free articles does not cost you anything! It's free.
You do not need an
Oxford degree in English to write simple articles that gets
published online. All you need is that willingness and type
out your knowledge in short
You can instantly reach out to many thousands
of your target audience each and everyday without any effort from
Your articles will position you as an established expert
in your field within no time. It is the quickest
way to achieving expert status.
Your name becomes a valuable resource
to other websites and eZines who are hungry for your content.
Article distribution is the super fast speedway
way to get one way high PR links. Especially with hundreds of new
article directories popping up on the Internet every month!
Unlike email safe lists and classified Ads, no spam filters
can ever stop your article marketing and
it gets a read a lot as your articles are permanently archived.
Search Engines love new content and would be eager to slurp
up your articles.
Some your articles can
in be in demand for years to
come as new websites, newsletters, blog owners,
and info product creators always need them.
The beauty of your published articles is that it will always
generate life-long residual Traffic.
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Article distribution is viral marketing. Your article gets
referred and republished again and
99% of the Article Submission Sites syndicate your articles
via RSS -- which means even more traffic and exposure!
You can
freely submit
your articles to ezine owners and web sites for publishing with your
resource box placed at the end of the article that draws qualified
crowd to your website for free.
Once you have written enough number of articles, combine them
into a free e-book. Judiciously, interspaced it with your Ads. Then
simply give it away to your website visitors, subscribers, and
customers allowing them also to give it away! That's viral
marketing in action for you giving a
continuous stream of more subscribers and more visitors.
Go ahead and create an article directory on your web site. You can
expect a large number of people coming to your website for free
information. Also, tell your visitors
to create an instant free article directory to their own web site
simply by linking to yours. All these extra links can attract more
traffic to your website.
Why not modify your successful
articles and submit them to print
media that pay? Potential to make an extra income as a freelance
writer from your existing successful articles that you have already
visit here to
find out how a simple software turns your ideas into
a ' Finished Article' in no time: |
Harness the power of related online communities
like newsgroups, forums and email discussion groups. Submit your
article with them too drive a sizable amount of traffic apart from
getting positioned as an expert.
Let people include your articles
in their ebooks for free. Your article can climb into some of these
free eBooks and reports giving you viral traffic again and again.
Last but not least, keep your articles in an autoresponder
and let people access them. Here's list of
autoresponders if you don't have one yet.
Last but not least,
convert your articles into talking videos with no programming
using a service called
Article Video Robot.
It also submits your videos to video sites automatically driving in
tremendous amounts of traffic.
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I hope these 20
reasons are enough for you to rush to that keyboard and finish that
long pending article of yours. Now
it for free to as many article directories as possible!
Good luck!
S. Kumar is the Webmaster of
Learnhomebusiness.com. Next, Visit His 67+ Explosive Killer
Article Marketing Tools...
To help you write web appropriate articles (of course
with mistakes but still can get published), here is a tool
for you to begin today that you MUST take a look.
Simply visit here
to find out how a simple software turns
your ideas into a ' Finished Article' in no time:
Once you finish your first article with this
software, do
send it across to us. we will try to publish it on this site :-)